ABOUT: CampStaffEXPRESS is a more traditional job board type listing with clearly defined specific job openings, taking the search responsibilities away from the job seeker and delivering concise job opportunities to hyper-busy college students and others. Job seekers without the time to fully register and actively search for jobs on CampStaff, now have an alternative to still be in the active job loop. Seekers are linked directly to your camp; there is no limit (or additional fees) to the number of people you can hire from each listing.

The folks who receive your ad have opted in separate from CampStaff and CampStaffNurses, in many cases the staff seekers are only subscribed here. CampStaffExpress is marketed via Google Ads and social media separate from the other CampStaff sites. CampStaff EXPRESS allows your camp to reach a new pool of job seekers as well as allows your ad to showcase on our EXPRESS website and social media.

How does CampStaff EXPRESS work?

Post your job ad on, and your ad will be included in our weekly jobs newsletter currently sent Wednesdays to over 5,500 job seekers. 
Your ad will also be posted on job board, as well as our social media feeds, fully searchable and accessible to the world. 

How is CampStaff EXPRESS different than being a member camp with or

As an alternative way of advertising, CampStaff EXPRESS does not require interested job seekers to register a searchable profile, as required on and The EXPRESS newsletter goes out to all subscribers every week and includes every camp posting new ads that week.  The job seekers who find your camp on CampStaff EXPRESS will go directly to your own camp website to contact you directly, as opposed to submitting a completed CampStaff profile/application via email.  (Not a CampStaff or CampStaffNurses member and want to be? Click here to learn more)

Find my first camp job this summer. What should I do?

Unfortunately, many camps have been forced to make the tough decision to suspend operations for 2020. This has left a lot of staff - both experienced and first-time hires - now searching for jobs. While not being able to return to “your camp” this year really stinks, we think it could be a great opportunity for you (and your camp) to gain some fantastic, real world, other-camp experience.


Working at another camp will expose you to different ways of camping. You will meet new staff from new places, share different ideas about camp and build your personal camp network. Think of the great practical experience and access to new information you’ll be able to bring back when YOUR camp reopens in 2021. Ask your director what she/he thinks about this idea - we are positive they will not only offer encouragement but also help you land a job! Camp director’s know that the best camp staff are way to valuable to summer camping for us to lose to any other type of summer job!



Check here for updated list of summer camps running or planning on running Summer 2020.

photo credit Camp Walt Whitman

Message from the CampStaff Crew:

Camps will run this summer. Not everywhere but in many places. Some may look a little different program-wise or run on modified schedules but there will be camps operating just as they have for over 160 summers in America. Some camps, however, have been forced to suspend operations for 2020. Each camp, each camp family and each staff member will make their own decisions - some more difficult than others.

We at CampStaff, through CampStaffExpress are trying to help quickly and easily identify camps currently operating so all interested staff can have a shot at a job in camping. Our newsletter to over 5,500 subscribers will be sent twice a week, at a 50% discounted rate for camp job listings- Mondays and Thursdays thru July 1st, in order to keep staff aware of the fluctuating camp job market. Signing up for the newsletter is, of course free.

We see a great potential opportunity for all camps to come out of this summer stronger. - whether you open or not. We know that staff are the spirit and engines of camping. We hope that staff from camps with suspended programs will consider working this one summer at another camp and we hope your “home” camp will support and encourage this.

Imagine the opportunity for veteran staff to learn from one another - strengthening the programs running this summer and the camps they return home to next summer - armed with knowledge and enthusiasm that comes from working with like minded top staff in challenging situations.

We hope camps will share this information with their staff. We need to keep the best people in camping. And as we all know, our best are highly valued in other industries and this summer’s job market will show that. Encourage them to check out for up-to-date, high-priority job openings or subscribe to the newsletter.

Best to all,

The CampStaff Crew 


Job Seekers, are you looking for a more comprehensive method to find a job this summer? Fill out a free profile at

Photo Credit Jameson Ranch Camp


In business for 23 years, we’ve placed thousands of job applicants at great summer camp jobs

visit our full site at

Photo cred Camp Wayne for Girls


How do you post an ad on CampStaffExpress?

To place an ad with CampStaff EXPRESS, you'll fill out this simple form. You'll include the category of the job you are advertising (general counselor, support staff, adventure, athletic, arts, performing arts, leadership, waterfront), the title of your job you are hiring for (ie.nanny, basketball coach), as well as the specifics of the job (see below for an example), and a photo or logo. We'll ask you to keep your ad to 150 words or less. Your ad will be placed in the next published weekly newsletter - published every Wednesday. 

How much is CampStaff EXPRESS?

The cost of CampStaff EXPRESS is $50 per ad, sent to the entire mailing list, (currently over 5,500 interested camp staff). Your ad will also be featured on our CampStaff EXPRESS website for the full hiring season. We will post your ad on CampStaffExpress and CampStaff social media.

We accept all major credit cards.

Questions? Email us at