Indian Head Camp


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Day Camp Counselor

Day Camp Counselor

South West Special Recreation Association is Looking for individuals 18+ years of age with fun, energetic attitudes to be a counselor for our therapeutic day camp  for individuals  with special needs.
Seasonal Position is from June until early August 
Full Day Counselor: approximately 28-35 hours per week
Half Day Counselor: approximately 15-20 hours per week
Pay rate: Starting at Minimum wage/hour, increasing higher depending  on qualifications.

Responsibilities include:
Overseeing campsite and individuals campers safety, health and activities according to SWSRA policy
Planning recreational activities weekly
Assisting campers with personal care needs
Providing customer service and representing the agency with great respect and rapport to campers, families and the community
Supervise campers in a pool within an arm’s length away from participants

Music Director

Music Director

Male Counselors Needed

Male Counselors Needed